Labor Encouraging Massage
Have you hit a point in final days of your pregnancy where you're just over it all?! Feeling antsy to get things moving with your labor process?! Are you 39 weeks or beyond and having a healthy/normal pregnancy? The end of pregnancy can be filled with a myriad number of feelings and some of these can be overwhelming physically and emotionally. It can be challenging for the body to relax and feel safe enough for labor to progress. This massage is designed to reduce stress and anxiety while promoting uterine contractions. It combines full body neuromuscular massage work with reflexology, acupressure, and use of a specially crafted blend of essential oils designed to encourage uterine stimulation while supporting hormones and deep relaxation. The recommended time frame for this is 90 minutes to receive the full range of benefits however shorter sessions are available. There are no guarantees this will jumpstart labor. If the body, mind, and spirit are ready this CAN be enough to assist in feeling calmer and encouraging onset of labor within the hours to days following.